Member list


Dr. E.C. (Ellemieke) van Doorn (chair)
NS Technology / Train digitalisation, Utrecht
Prof. dr. L.P.J.J. (Lucas) Noldus (secretary)
Noldus Information Technology bv, Wageningen
Prof. dr. S. (Somaya) Ben Allouch
Digital Life, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam
Human-System Interaction for Health & Wellbeing, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Dr. A.J. (Arjan) van Hessen
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Twente
Drs. G.D.R. (Rolf) Zon
NLR – Netherlands Aerospace Center, Amsterdam


Prof. dr. ir. D. (David) Abbink
Technical University Delft, Human-Robot Interaction Group, Department of Cognitive Robotics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Delft
Ing. L.E. (Lotte) Boersma
Noldus Information Technology bv, Wageningen
Prof. dr. T. (Tibor) Bosse
Radboud University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Behavioural Science Institute, Communication & Media Group, Nijmegen
Dr. G. (Guido) te Brake
VHP human performance, ‘s-Gravenhage
Prof. Dr. A. (Anne-Marie) Brouwer
TNO, Human Factors, Soeterberg
Radboud University Donders Institute, Nijmegen
Dr. A. (Anita) Cremers
Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
TNO, Soesterberg
Prof. dr. ir. J.H. (Berry) Eggen
Department Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology
Ir. M. (Mark) de Graaf
ICT, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven
Dhr. J. (Jimmy) van der Have
J.M. (Jasper) van Hemert M.Sc.
FedEx Express, Hoofddorp
Ir. H. (Hans) Huisman
Maritime Operations Department, MARIN, Wageningen
Prof. dr. W. (Wijnand) IJsselsteijn
Human-Technology Interaction Group, Eindhoven University of Technology
Ir. F. (Fred) de Jong
Canon Production Printing, Venlo
Mw. B. (Barbara) Koop
Philips, Eindhoven
Prof. dr. H. (Helianthe) Kort
Knowledge Center Innovation of Healthcare, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Architecture, Eindhoven University of Technology
Prof. dr. E. (Emiel) Krahmer
Department of Communication and Information, Tilburg University
Prof. dr. ir. M. (Max) Mulder
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology
Prof. dr. M.A. (Mark) Neerincx
Faculty EEMCS, Delft University of Technology
TNO, Soesterberg
Prof. dr. S.C. (Sylvia) Pont
Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology
Prof. dr. E.O. (Eric) Postma
Cognitive Science & AI department, Tilburg University
Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Dr. ir. R. (Rutger) Rienks
Future Facts Conclusion, Amsterdam
Dr. B. (Boris) de Ruyter
Philips Innovation & Strategy
J. (Jouke) Rypkema MSc
Ergonomics & Human Factors, INTERGO | International Centre for Safety
Prof. dr. B.A.M. (Ben) Schouten
Department Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology
Prof. W. (Wouter) Sluis-Thiescheffer
Media Design, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Arnhem
Dr. ir. F. (Frans) Tillema
Faculty of Engineering, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Arnhem
Dr. K. (Khiet) Truong
Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, Enschede
Dr. K. (Koen) van Turnhout
Human Experience & Media Design at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht
T. (Tim) den Uyl MSc
Sentient Machine Research Group/Vicar Vision, Amsterdam
A. (Alex) Uyttendaele
DAF Trucks N.V., Eindhoven
Dhr. W. (Wouter) Vos
Elitac Wearables, Utrecht
Dhr. I. (Ivo) Weijden
Vanderlande Industries, Eindhoven